Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fastest Point & Shoot

Today posted on YouTube is expected Zapatero interview . Like the other questions the media will be serious, I ask this to me.
suffer it worth everything we're suffering from being in Europe? What are the benefits of belonging to Europe?

Question Neofile
if today I remember that Spain is Europe's leading high-speed, which is a means of transport as environmentally positive, which benefits both the local economy, tourism, the high-speed network, including high-speed network that has Malaga, is partly financed with European funds.

Luis Rodríguez Zapatero Prime Minister
The network is actually funded by European Union funds. Specifically for the Cohesion Fund, an instrument purportedly designed, as they say to reduce social and economic disparities between citizens of the Union. Vale. Whatever.

What I do not see is the other. What of the economy. If we leaders in High Speed \u200b\u200band High Speed \u200b\u200bis as good (not "good" as good) for the economy, why do not we are leaders in economy?


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