Monday, November 1, 2010

Sony Digital Dcr Trv18, Windows 7, Movie Studio 9

give up some tasty shrimp?
Who could resist this delicacy of the Gods?
As the smell stays in the kitchen and therefore the whole house! That's usually the main reason.
doing "practice" I like them gets soiled culinary as little as possible ...
So I did an experiment ... and the result was not bad
The paper introduces Albal to cook foil type . along with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a few drops of rum.
I put approx. 500 ml of water in the glass of the Thermomix and the program 12 minutes at room Varoma speed 3. I put the Varoma
and within it the Prawns wrapped in foil. Programmed
25 minutes at the same speed and the same temperature as above was placed on the glass.
time will depend on the fish you like it if more or less done ... This will be going to taste.
Will be released and serve with some Maldon salt flakes and chopped cebolino.
The kitchen was not clean, smells and more impossible! I recommend it!


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