There are many published recipes and different versions of the same pie with what appears to allow everyone to give a personal touch.
In my case I have not done any coverage and I have not since sliced \u200b\u200balmonds for garnish. It is very spongy
... I hope you can appreciate it better in the picture below.
Tip: Since there ... A classic chocolate cakes ... is better from one day to another when the dough has rested ... nor forsake not crumbs!
Ingredients 100 g of peeled whole almonds, lightly toasted
115 g caster sugar 40 g
white flour 115 g unsalted butter, softened
150 g of dark chocolate melted
3 eggs, separated
30 ml / 2 tablespoons almond liqueur
chopped toasted almonds for garnish
Preparation Preheat oven to 180 ° C / Gas 4. Spread butter pie removable circular base of 20-23 cm in diameter. Sprinkle lightly with flour.
2 In a food processor with metal blade, working the almonds with 30 ml of sugar until dough is very thin. Put it in a bowl and add sifted flour. Mix well and set aside removing
3 Working the butter until a smooth dough, add half the remaining sugar and beat a couple of minutes, until dough is very light. Gradually incorporate the melted chocolate then egg yolks, one at a time, stirring well. Eventually incorporate the almond liqueur.
4 In another bowl, beat until stiff egg whites. Add the remaining sugar and beat until dough is thick and shiny. Mix a quarter of the dough with the chocolate to lighten it a bit and then alternately add the almond paste and the remaining whites in three parts. Place this mixture in pie plate and spread uniformly.
5 Bake for 30-35 minutes, until edges are puffy and center is soft. Allow to cool about 15 minutes and then remove the edges of the pan and put the cake on a rack. When cool, remove the base of the cake and the foil.
6 To make the chocolate glaze, boil the cream in a saucepan. Remove from heat and add chocolate, stirring slowly until it melts completely giving a soft dough Add the butter and almond liqueur. Allow to cool for 20-30 minutes until slightly thickened, stirring occasionally.
Place the cake on rack on baking paper and pour hot icing to cover the cake. Cool slightly and then place almonds cut into the edge of the pie. Use the remaining icing to make a decorative motif. Transfer the cake to a platter and keep in the fridge until ready to serve
recipe extracted entirely from the web de-saba.html
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