The traditional answer was no.
If the calories you eat are higher than we spend, accumulate fat and weight in our body. If they are lower fat and reduce weight quemanos. We ourselves can make a calculation:
• What we eat.
• - (minus) What we consume
• = (equal) weight gain or loss diet
How can we eat? We give two ways:
• List of negative calorie foods.
• Cooking Techniques and consumption that reduce calories.
negative calorie foods. All foods contain some calories, but some believe that some foods consume more calories to be digested by the body that calories give us once digested. This is called "negative calorie effect" (negative calorie effect.) This is the ideal way to lose weight by eating. The more you eat the more weight you lose.
The list of negative calorie foods:
or asparagus.
or beets or broccoli or broccoli
Or kale
or cauliflower or carrots or celery
or chicory or red hot peppers or cucumber
or endive or lettuce or
garlic or onion
or spinach or zucchini or squash
• FRUIT: Papaya
or grapefruit or apples or lemons
or oranges or mangoes or pineapple
or raspberries or strawberries or mandarins
or Blueberries
negative calorie fat-burning or
cooking techniques to reduce calories dishes: These "tricks" you can remove the plates calories (100 calories) and if you exercise or you move you lose weight maintain weight or even eating.
1. Beef broth, chicken, etc.. Keep in the fridge and remove the fat layer that forms on top.
2. Pasta with vegetables. Add vegetables such as mushrooms, peppers, eggplant, etc.. instead of tomato sauce with meat. See for example: pasta with beans and peas.
3. Pizzas. Replace the mozzarella cheese, fatty authentic. Pizza recipes (normal)
4. Lentils. Substitute the sausage and meat in general onions, carrots, leeks, celery, mushrooms, artichokes, red peppers, cumin, bay leaf ...
5. Omelette. Substitute fries for baked potatoes or boiled.
6. Grilled meat / Burgers. Elabóralas you with quality meat. Avoid pork and beef fat. Do not overdo the seasoning and sauces. Add onion, shredded carrots and peppers.
7. Paella. Controls and reduces the amount of oil when sauteing. Saute lightly, not to abuse bouillon cubes, vegetables used as ingredients.
8. Flan. To prepare pudding using skim milk and little sugar.
In general, strive to make a kitchen light, healthy, herbs and spices. Data extracted
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