On Wednesday 24 October, the World Motor Sport Council confirmed the new aerodynamic regulations for 2009, which were proposed by renowned council advancement.
According to information coming from Brasi, Ferrari's Rory Byrne with Pat Symonds of Renault and McLaren's Paddy Lowe have worked together in a configuration for the car, which will make it easier to follow in the footsteps of other car and will benefit the overtaking. The coaches agreed the following proposals:
-width front spoiler has been increased to 180 centimeters, when before was 140.
-front wing height decreased to 7.5 centimeters, when before I was 15.
-section averaged over a width of 40 inches should be a standard piece.
"The pilot can adjust the blades of the front wing from the cockpit twice back at an angle of 6 degrees.
-width rear spoiler has been reduced to 75 centimeters, when before was 100.
-front wing height has been increased to 95 centimeters, when before was 80.
The diffuser starts from the center of the rear axle instead of the rear wheels. Could be increased to 17.5 cm instead of 12.5. The body must be clean. That means that there should be more aerodynamic features like the drifts, fireplaces and baffles.
Research in the wind tunnel have shown that the new rules the loss of downforce is reduced by 50% compared to the aerodynamics of 2006.
When the pilot go near another car only lose 25%, making it easier fights and overtaking, which to show that there
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