pending this recipe I have for quite some time .. . so that ye the tengais this I leave it here. Both
recipe as the Pictured are drawn entirely from the lock application menorcana than I leave the link below.
Hasselbackspotatis The recipe was invented by a chef in the restaurant Hasselbacken Stockholm in 1940. This way of cooking potatoes became very popular throughout Sweden during the 70 and 80, in addition to the original recipe carne.La dishes are prepared with butter and sprinkled with half-cooked hard cheese mixed with bread grated fine.
medium potatoes Olive oil Salt and pepper
PREPARATION Wash the potatoes to make them with the skin or peel (according to consumer taste) Cut each potato slices without reaching the final in order to remain joined at the bottom. An easy way to do this is by putting two stops on either side of the potato.
Place potatoes with cut side up on a tray, season and sprinkle with oil oliva.Meterlas preheated oven at 170 º for 40 minutos.Cinco minutes before they put them grilled cheese between sliced \u200b\u200band put back in the oven, this time with the grill hot encendido.Servir as a garnish. golos