is physical and mental stress you feel when faced with change or the danger, he tells you, is under stress, inside your body has activated a system that warns and prepares to deal with change or danger. It is a natural defense the body, which acts as a reaction the body as a body's response. Is within ourselves, are exceptional resources called, 'fight or flight'. This system enables us to get alert, the heart beats faster, muscles tense, sweating, dry mouth, stomach and intestines throb alter, change of appetite, headache, trembling hands. Stress can not be deleted because it is a part of our lives, it can even be positive if we manage it effectively. Stress causes anxiety, which in small quantities is good and healthy because it encourages us to do things right, but if every little thing makes us anxious and nervous that stress go to be negative and harmful. Stress makes us susceptible to colds, respiratory disorders, increases the risk of problems from heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, ulcers, colitis and cancer. It is the general response of the organism to a stimulus or oppressive situations of physical threat. , Might also say that they are like the body's reactions. We have stress, even children, not realizing it.
produces a significant increase in the level of physiological arousal and cognitive resources are also exceptional. Stress
an emergency, the mechanism is activated automatically. The problem are clearly seen, is interpreted more quickly and take a decision immediately. Once the problem has been resolved, the body returns to normal operation. Classes stress
sociological characteristic of a social crisis.
work: not all react the same address working conditions, the symptoms are very personal and related to one's own personality and way of reacting to external stimuli. Physiological
: aggression from the body by natural causes - disease, environmental changes - endocrine disruption - disruption of the autonomic nervous system - change the pace and frequency of cardio-respiratory - Changes in blood pressure, cups of sugar and fats in the blood - customize and alter hormonal functions menstrual cycles.
Psychological: emotional responses, anxiety - anxiety - irritability - negative mood - high cholesterol - heart failure.
Stress is not only negative is also positive due to this mechanism is activated automatically to an emergency situation, we can understand better the problem we have, we interpret it more quickly and decided immediately that we do . Once the issue is resolved, the body returns to normal operation. It is important not to confuse stress with fear, because the stress prepares the body for intense activity of movement. It makes us think faster and act more strength and energy. There are some situations that may be stressful for some people, public speaking - make a declaration of love - examinations - etc. These stimuli are capable of producing biochemical or electrical that can trigger a stress response like the cold - heat - noise - the coffee and snuff. In many cases, the stress generated from or physical stimuli also thoughts. negative: too much stress is also bad, the repeated stimuli can become cause various diseases and disorders, because the energy demanded by the physical, there is no time to recover adequate body and the body suffers excessive wear
physical Males Increases in heart rate - blood pressure - perspiration breathing, muscle tension, increased levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline and blood sugar. Cholesterol increases, there is a release of fatty acids in the blood. Increased levels of corticosteroids. Reduces peripheral blood flow, reduces the digestive system. immune system is suppressed, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath Dry mouth, dilated pupils. Males Psychological Concerns, inability to make decisions, feelings of confusion, inability to concentrate, difficulty in directing attention disorientation, memory problems, mental blocks. Males
other fast talking stuttering, faltering voice, inaccuracies, rainfall, emotional outbursts, susceptibility to accidents, legal drug [tranquilizers] snuff - alcohol - medicines, overeating, lack of appetite, ducts impulsive, nervous laughter, yawning.
Responding to change in three phases: alarm =
before a problem stress, the body is extremely active and provides exceptional resources to address the crisis, when the problem is solved, everything will automatically return to normal, if the problem is not resolved is passed to the phase II .-
resistance = extra effort which requires a problem that has not been solved and remains, returns to claim the body 'other' extra effort, but it is weaker.
exhaustion = everything has its limit, and if not solve the problem is passed to the 3rd phase. Agency resources are lost gradually, even suddenly, being below normal, this depletion can affect the whole organism, a system to a specific organ. But only in extreme cases is irreversible. Three main physiological
immediate = no activation of the system. sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous that control breathing, heart rate, muscle tension [tone] .-
movements activates neuroendocrine = slow causing an increase in the activity of the medulla of the adrenal glands release adrenaline, noradrenaline and catecholamines, this is very important because the body prepares to respond to any external threat either fighting or fleeing .-
endocrine = when the activity is more acute, more intense and sustained. when you can not overcome the problem, this axis controls release of : Glucocorticoids [glucose and corticoids] Mineralcorticoids [especially magnesium] growth hormone scam [thymus and pituitary gland] Thyroid Vasopressin [pressure rises] cortisol [stress hormone production] If stress is caused by an overactive or overload the affected organs is natural that this disorder appear in the same organs. When a person learns to control a situation that causes stress, stop to these disorders. Coping with stress
Some flee away from a stressful situation, others fight over any little thing, when these signs occur you need to rest, retreat, relax. Ask to yourself = what is the cause of stress? , Worth really excite me so much? , Most of the time is not worth it, do not be afraid to make decisions, we must act and cope with stress. Therapies
yogic breaths
= lower-middle-upper-
complete relaxation exercises based on the tension and relaxation of different muscle groups. Self
specific behaviors that can change the environment, to facilitate the development of desired behaviors. Quitting eg. Nonaggressive sports
abstinence from alcohol, snuff, drugs, mental Control
change thoughts Stop negative thoughts positive
= a mental workout aimed at avoiding bothersome thoughts that haunt us - watch - identify - verbalize and to establish a stimulus to break the chain of such negative thoughts. showed me a shout, etc.
change the way you hold them,
define the problem, possible alternatives
Food Diet rich in carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, water, rest - relaxation - meditation
Tips for coping with stress rest
appropriate, establish a regular time for sleep
avoid rush and worry.
control your emotions, decide if the circumstances are worth to fret.
learn to love people more than things.
not rely on alcohol or drugs or self-medication to deal with a problem.
not keep feelings inside themselves, identify errors and converse with a friend.
Make decisions no matter what may be wrong, build consensus as much as possible. Try
organized to optimize tasks.
not sorry when things are not going well
Develop a sense of humor when things go wrong
When you're in a hurry, use a technique
relaxation Eat balanced meals
Take time for yourself, and do something beautiful that you like. Be good to you, myself.