is simply delicious .. with what will be a challenge that we do at home soon. Pictured
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Chanel At Woodbury Commons
is simply delicious .. with what will be a challenge that we do at home soon. Pictured
Monday, November 29, 2010
Make Cheese Fondue Without Fondue Pot
If an @ is used to visit Web grastronómicas English, American or Mexican, you will realize that the actions of the recipes are not grams or milligrams or kilograms as nuestros.Hastá there I have not discovered nothing new, I know. I personally simpre
I found a recipe messy when they start with measures cups, cups etc. Ivana
has had the brilliant idea to make a post and as explained in a simple visual and certainly will not be a problem for anyone using these measures.
Both images and text are extracted in full from its web.Aquí I leave the link.

cups and spoons can be found at many retailers, in our cities or shops on the internet, so I advise you to be good @ s and ask what the wise men, Santa Claus or whoever you please! You save time!
The cups are by volume and a cup for us is the ability of a cup, or 250 ml, but of course the flour not going to be measured in milliliters! Therefore there are conversions that you put them then at least the most common!
Normally when we bought the cups, are 4: the cup or cup, 1 / 2 cup, 1 / 3 cup and 1 / 4 cup, but sometimes the recipes we get 1 3 / 4, means we have to put a cup, plus 3 times the rate of 1 / 4, pure mathematics! ha! ha! Therefore, when we make a recipe with cups, we have them all by hand.
1 cup / mug / 250 ml1 / 2 cup / mug / 125 ml1 / 3 cup / bowl / 80 ml1 / 4 cup / cup / 60 ml 1 cup flour
: 150 gr1 cup sugar: 230 gr sugar blanco/moreno1 cup powdered sugar: 150 gr1 butter cup: 225 gr1 cup of cocoa: 125 gr
Once you have the cups, is a question of dividing the weight in half ... or make rules for three!

cups, Teaspoon, tablespoon ...
About tablespoon, is something similar! For them it's like we tablespoon tablespoon and teaspoon, is like our dessert spoon. 4 spoons are also usually the tablespoon is the largest, representing that 15 ml, the dessert spoon, 5 ml, 1 / 2 of the dessert spoon, 2.5 ml and 1 / 4 scoop For dessert, 1.25 ml, which would normally be here what we say ... a pinch of salt 1 tablespoon
/ tablespoon / 15 ml1 teaspoon / dessert spoon / 5 ml1 / 2 teaspoon / dessert spoon / 2.5 ml1 / 4 teaspoon / dessert spoon / 1.25 ml
really looks like a roll, but once caught the truqui is easier to start making rules of three I hope you have served! do not hesitate to contact me!

7 Inches Penis Size Is Good
wanted to show you a very curious discovery ... the twists and turns life .. never better! Ivana
was my boss for a time in the company I work together. That
few years ago and lost touch.
recently got to meet encontacto conmingo by friends / acquaintances in common on Facebook and contacted conmingo.
I was delighted to hear from her and she told me that he liked the food and had website.
If I knew I had good taste ... you will understand perfectly when you see your website and exquisite photos makes your dishes ... cross the screen.
Their website is:
Here you have some samples: -chocolate-white-and-pistachos.html

I can not resist! this recipe has to fall if you do ... I put the recipe.
Remember that this recipe is taken literally, text and photo of Ivana website
CHOCOLATECON Cupcake Frosting CHOCOLATE Ingredients
3 eggs 1 tablespoon sugar
63 gr.
black chocolate 1 teaspoon butter 1 tablespoon
cargadita flour 1 teaspoon baking
Preparation In a saucepan put the chopped chocolate and butter, prepare to melt in a water bath, trying to get the water superior.Montamos touch the pan with barillas whites and yolks with the azúcar.Una time we have beaten yolks and sugar with amarillito color, add the flour and yeast, mix bien.Y Finally, add the egg whites with careful not to lose its textura.Preparamos molds, fill one-third.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees, we introduce the molds for about 20 minutes, thinking that if the molds are smaller, be reviewed with a skewer which are ready and take the horno.Dejar cool on a wire rack.
cupcake for decoration I used Cream / Chocolate Frosting:
Ingredients 163 gr of black chocolate
water 63 gr butter 88 gr
Preparation In a saucepan put the chopped chocolate and water, it melted the bath, when liquid from the fire and add the butter into cubes and stir to get rid. Let cool for an hour and will be an easy cream trabajar.Con a knife split the cream over the cupcake and give a little color to add some hearts! Umm! that ricossss!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Cubefield Game For Phone
The photos are unique because as I say I could not resist it ... food of Gods is
Ingredients For the base, 250 g of flour, 200 g of butter, 100 g of icing sugar, 1 teaspoon salt and 2 egg yolks.
For the filling, 4 oranges, 700 g cream cheese, 150 g cream (35% mg), 174 g sugar, 4 eggs and 1 can of bitter orange marmalade. Preparation
started doing the base. Mix the flour, the butter into small pieces, sugar and salt. When they are together and the dough crumbs add the egg yolks until the mixture is linked.
let stand wrapped in plastic in the refrigerator for 30 minutes minimum.
stretching the dough, using icing sugar on the bench instead of flour. And we put in a cast of about 22 cm in diameter minimum. The cover with aluminum foil or parchment paper and set its weight. Pulses for example.
Bake at 170 º C for 20 minutes. We took, carefully remove the beans and paper and bake 5 more minutes. We lowered the oven temperature to 140 º C.
For the filling, grate the skin (only the orange) and took two oranges juice of four and we strain. On the other hand mix the cream cheese with cream and sugar until well blended.
Add eggs, orange zest and mix well. We
filling over base and bake for an hour and a half, placing the cake in the bottom of the oven. Let it cool outside the oven.
Before serving, heat the jam with a couple of tablespoons of water, passed through a chinois and add coverage.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Sony Digital Dcr Trv18, Windows 7, Movie Studio 9
give up some tasty shrimp?
Who could resist this delicacy of the Gods?
As the smell stays in the kitchen and therefore the whole house! That's usually the main reason.
doing "practice" I like them gets soiled culinary as little as possible ...
So I did an experiment ... and the result was not bad
The paper introduces Albal to cook foil type . along with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a few drops of rum.
I put approx. 500 ml of water in the glass of the Thermomix and the program 12 minutes at room Varoma speed 3. I put the Varoma
and within it the Prawns wrapped in foil. Programmed
25 minutes at the same speed and the same temperature as above was placed on the glass.
time will depend on the fish you like it if more or less done ... This will be going to taste.
Will be released and serve with some Maldon salt flakes and chopped cebolino.
The kitchen was not clean, smells and more impossible! I recommend it!
Monday, October 18, 2010
How Much Does A Tomestone Cost
Despite the low expectations that a repeat of the promotion, 've got it! Among 18 to October 31 , without interest Thermomix. With a maximum

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Variable Annuity License

cupcakes are entirely valid, and there are many bakeries that already includes among its products, and other dedicated exclusively to them. Prepare at home is very easy, we just have to do with a good book and enjoy its various proposals.
Many books on cupcakes, but a great majority are focused on how to decorate, with the book of Martha Stewart's Cupcakes addition to getting great ideas, we will obtain delicious cakes, where no doubt the hero is the taste.
This book offers 175 ideas, from the simplest cupcakes, my favorite, even spectacular creations, showing a wide variety mass, icings, fillings, toppings and decorations, and all very well explained to get combine and get the perfect cupcake for every occasion.
The book has nine chapters where we can get the most suitable for every occasion or event, from parties, birthdays, Halloween, Christmas, etc, and it shows simple working to enjoy the day.
also consists of a chapter, exceptional, showing us techniques, tips, equipment needed, ways of presenting them, how to prepare for a gift and simple templates to decorate.
Each of the cakes offered by the book comes with an excellent photographic well in some recipes offers a detailed step, which shows a clear way how to get the final result.
For me it is one of the best books I know cupcakes, which I have prepared many recipes and I have to say that all delicious, it certainly is a splendid book that should not fail in our library.
Martha Stewart's Cupcakes
Author: Martha Stewart's
Publisher: Crown Publishing Group
ISBN: 9780307460448
Price: € 11.65
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Blister On My Dog's Head
pending this recipe I have for quite some time .. . so that ye the tengais this I leave it here. Both
recipe as the Pictured are drawn entirely from the lock application menorcana than I leave the link below.
Hasselbackspotatis The recipe was invented by a chef in the restaurant Hasselbacken Stockholm in 1940. This way of cooking potatoes became very popular throughout Sweden during the 70 and 80, in addition to the original recipe carne.La dishes are prepared with butter and sprinkled with half-cooked hard cheese mixed with bread grated fine.
medium potatoes Olive oil Salt and pepper
PREPARATION Wash the potatoes to make them with the skin or peel (according to consumer taste) Cut each potato slices without reaching the final in order to remain joined at the bottom. An easy way to do this is by putting two stops on either side of the potato.
Place potatoes with cut side up on a tray, season and sprinkle with oil oliva.Meterlas preheated oven at 170 º for 40 minutos.Cinco minutes before they put them grilled cheese between sliced \u200b\u200band put back in the oven, this time with the grill hot encendido.Servir as a garnish.
Villa Straightening Shampoo
A good never to be missed @ vahinillado sugar at home.
In general this type of sugar we usually use in baking, although the truth is that it has many other uses, including a delicious sweetened tea, coffee or even a glass of warm milk, it is also ideal for use at the time of caramelized onions, providing a very delicate flavor. And as often happens in many other things, everything is started and sugar flavored with a host of variants, a cinnamon stick, dried skins of fruits such as orange, tangerine, lemon, etc, or flowers, there are many alternatives, so I let fly your imagination.
Ingredients 750 gr. sugar, 2 vanilla pods
How to make vanilla sugar:
will put the sugar in a sealable bottle, thus we get the fragrance does not evaporate and permeate the sugar with it.
We cut our pods into three pieces each and add sugar. Close the pot and shake it slightly. Let stand
preparing for a week at least before use. During that time, we can go to get moving by stirring the sugar. Prep time 5
minutosDificultad BajaAdaptado the book How to be a domestic goddess, Nigella Lawson Sugar
tasting vanilla flavor adds a really delicious pastries, I like to use in the Crème brûlée, provides a delicate flavor and to sweeten beverages. In savory dishes also adds extra flavor very tasty. About
vanilla utilicéis I advise to use the best you can, this will make the fragrance
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
John Deere Piston For 340s 1975
The oyster mushrooms or oyster mushrooms (as they call in the Catalunya) we can find throughout the year.
is a versatile type of mushroom, not too much water to cook in many ways.
In this case we made a cake ... why? Because I thought of cooking in a different way that was not baked, grilled or scrambled with eggs and ham, and so a change. I propose this cake
sea and mountain ... from which to see the ingredients you will understand why the name.
Ingredients 150 grs. Thistle Mushroom clean
1 dash
olive oil 4 slices of bread / bread soaked dry the day before in a little milk.
If you do not have bread of any of these 2 types with about 4 tablespoons breadcrumbs also serve us.
200 grs.
Tuna drained 200 ml. evaporated milk 3 eggs
ketchup 1 dash black pepper 1 pinch
Preparation Put the mushrooms under glass and put a few seconds vel. 5 to take them into smaller pieces.
Add the olive oil and set 10 minutes vel. 2 temperature 100 degrees.
Put the eggs and beat a few seconds vel. 4.
Add remaining ingredients and set at speed 7 for a few seconds so that everything is finely chopped and mixed.
In an ungreased paper will wrap. Must be a mold that fits in the container Varoma.
In its contents will this mix and we will cover with kitchen paper. We will
500 ml. water in the glass of the Thermomix. No matter how dirty the above mixture as it will only use this water for cooking varoma.
varoma In container will mold is important to be covered with paper so as not to wet the top of the soufflé.
We schedule 30 minutes at room varoma.
Depending on the thickness of the mold will need more or less time.
'll check it clicking.
Cool and serve cut into slices.
PS: Hold on for several days in the refrigerator. You can also do instead of smoked salmon and tuna is delicious!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Why Do I Have Blood In My Phlegm In The Morning?
The result did not succeed but the resulting cake was real good! Je j axis
So we'll leave for another try ... Ingredients
flaky biscuits 1 loop (boiler type)
80 grs.
butter 1 Mascarpone terrine (200 grs.)
150 grs. Philadelphia cream cheese type
yogurt 2 eggs 1
- The measure of yogurt: 2 sugar, 1 sunflower oil, 2 of flour.
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar or vanilla essence
Preheat oven to 200 degrees. The Thermomix
cookies, powdered putting a few seconds to speed 8 and leave very fine.
Add butter and schedule 5 minutes vel 5 temperature 90 degrees.
This will undo the butter and we remain well-mixed and melted together with cookies.
This mix will cast base that we will use to make cheesecake. After placing the baking mixture for a few minutes to be seated. So put it in the oven while we the rest of the recipe.
cleaned the glass so that it is not cookie. We will
eggs and yogurt, yogurt measures of flour, sugar and sunflower oil. Will mix a few seconds at speed 5.
Once blended add the remaining ingredients of the recipe.
We will draw from the oven and put this mixture. Depending on the thickness
mold it will be more or less time ... but this mixture does not come out exactly finite cheesecake ... with what it will need about 45 minutes of cooking. Sure it is cooked by piercing and noting that no remnants.
order not to brown too over the top when it is browned as you like put an aluminum foil to avoid further browning.
In overnight the flavors settle and is much better ... but who refuses to not try it?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Buying A Boxer Dogs Overseas
is already sold more than cooked and ready to eat just putting a little oil, pepper (if possible of the Vera ...) and a few flakes of Maldon salt.
excited I personally do not buy it already cooked ... so with the pot programmable FussionCook what we cooked in a jiffy. Moreover the difference Octopus price of oil is cooked and slightly more than twice ... so why pay more?
will see that it is easier to prepare at home.
First of all when we buy the Octopus at least freeze the 24h.Esta is a simple way the meat is tender ... hit him once to break the muscles, freezing today this issue is fixed. Well
once frozen and thawed in Octopus:
will put in the bucket of FussionCook pot in this order: just a glass of water, the Octopus, a couple of bay leaves, some whole grains of pepper.
closed the menu will program Pot and manual and time depend on the size of the animal ... in this almost had weighed 2.5 kg with what program 10 minutes. When it was opened and checked if they were gentle prodding legs and as I found it was not like I put a couple of minutes, with that enough is enough.
We took a table and cleaned the large suction tentacles and head.
will put in a wooden board or on a plate and sliced \u200b\u200bwith a splash of olive oil, sprinkle with paprika and finally some flakes of Maldon salt.
If you eat throughout the Octopus can freeze when you have perfectly cleaned and defrosted for later.
Another option is to put a bed of boiled potatoes and putting up the octopus ... is delicious.
Now you have no excuse not to prepare at home!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Can Miralax Be Mixed In Advance?
I have thought that you may be interested in what explains Globetrotters on the web Direct to Palate.
take to tell them that you perceive high and you subscribe to this website you will learn a lot!
I put both the link where the information and reproduce the text below.

will make more than half a year that I have the book Michel Roux masses, and I have to say never would have thought when I bought it, I was going to use both and I would feel so comfortable and safe mass developed.
Much of the masses that were prepared in my working always bought, and were chilled or frozen, but not bad, certainly are great for a quick moment, I have to admit that they are incomparable with homemade preparations, taste and texture is extraordinary, and in most cases, is the unfounded fear that we have to prepare the preparation itself. Michel Roux
in this book shows us how we can get an excellent home baking home without having to be professional, giving information detailed cooking techniques with step by step recipes and illustrated with excellent photographs that will make us be more compelling if the entire collection of proposals that we offer.
makes a tour of all body types, both sweet and savory, such as pastry, sweet pastries, brioche, choux, pastry, dough, pizza, pies, pastry, etc. and for different recipes, from classics such as Quiche Lorraine to the most contemporary, in total 100 delicious recipes to apply and enjoy all your explanations.
It is certainly an excellent book to have it in our library, we will use in many occasions and that is the perfect reference manual for making cakes and pastries at home. Michel Roux
Masses Author: Michel Roux Editor, Blume ISBN: 9788484232971Precio: 24.9 euros
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Samples Of Speech For Ceo
If one wishes to surprise himself and others wonder usually refers to Internet pages for new ideas and make a different cake ... that is not business as usual ... sure I understand! jejeje
long ago that I have visited a stash Locked like a treasure and that the author has a hand of gold to make cakes.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
What Nail Polish To Use With Konad?
So as I said before is we seem to Summer's of San Miguel and a little more to enjoy the last gasps of summer. To make a tribute
nothing better than a gazpachito! But I took a different form of presentation. In chocolates!
An original way to enjoy something as traditional as gazpacho.
No more secret to prepare the gazpacho as we do normally, and reserve. The Thermomix will
about 100 ml. and planned water temperature 70 degrees for ¾ minutes. When the temperature had reached this water will get several sheets of gelatin according to the amount of gazpacho that we and grind for a few seconds vel 8 / 9 to leave it all well mixed and completely dissolved in water (remember that 10 sheets of gelatin is for 500 ml. of liquid) To this liquid add
gazpacho slowly so there is a very abrupt change in temperature because if not the gelatin would come together and we would be in pieces and not homogeneously ...
This mix will mold the way we want we want.
The leave in refrigerator 6 hours min.
stripping and present.
may occur with finely chopped boiled egg, diced ham with chopped anchovies small ... supports many different presentations! In this case I put a little Pesto Sauce with nines I did.